Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Just got back from Toronto last week. Chinatown and the India Bazaar were my favorites. Like a typical tourist I also went to the top of the CN Tower ( http://www.cntower.ca/portal/) and ate at the 360 Restaurant. Surprisingly the food actually was very tasty. I had the chicken. With my credit history I could not afford "zee duck" - see the movie L.A. Story for clarification.

Now that the blatant commercial plugs are out of the way, I can get on with telling you about the new project I am undertaking. I will be trying to help Uptown Bill's Small Mall get its ecommerce act together.

Uptown Bill's small Mall is named after Bill Sackter, a mentally challenged man, who became one of the best-known and well-loved Iowa Citians during the late 1970s and 1980s. Though involuntarily committed to a state institution for 45 years-entering at age seven-Bill returned to the community to become "a gift" to those who knew him. His remarkable life was memorialized in an Emmy award-winning movie "Bill" and a sequel "Bill on His Own!" His celebrity is recorded in a biography of his life "The Unlikely Celebrity" published by Southern Illinois University Press. The Mall is dedicated to helping handicapped people become more independent and get a stronger sense of self worth. There are a number of businesses including a used bookstore, coffeeshop, antique shop, etc. In case you missed it the website is:

I will be helping folks start up blogs and link them to commercial enterprises like eBay. The goal will be to put a few extra dollars into their pockets and to give them an outlet into the internet universe. Also, I will be posting artwork and photos for sale/donation - any money made will be forwarded to Uptown Bill's. I don't need the money. Fame would be nice however.


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